Электронная библиотека (репозиторий) Томского государственного университета
Title Hits Visitors Downloads
Ultra-fast line-field low coherence holographic elastography using spatial phase shifting 20429 20432 198
Evaluation of posterior porcine sclera elasticity in situ as a function of IOP 16307 16445 333
Noncontact phase-sensitive dynamic optical coherence elastography at megahertz rate 10611 10804 311
Assessing the effects of riboflavin/UV-A crosslinking on porcine corneal mechanical anisotropy with optical coherence elastography 84334 83882 244
Nanobomb optical coherence elastography 14969 14807 5
Differentiation of murine colon pathology by optical and mechanical contrast using optical coherence tomography and elastography 5586 5727 206
Ultra-high speed OCT allows measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal geometry, and corneal stiffness using a single instrument 4466 4577 138
Noncontact elastic wave imaging optical coherence elastography for evaluating changes in corneal elasticity due to crosslinking 21849 21935 305
Applanation optical coherence elastography: noncontact measurement of intraocular pressure, corneal biomechanical properties, and corneal geometry with a single instrument 7084 7432 400
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Nair, Achuth

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Nair, Achuth

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